Dear Members of the International Association of Educating Cities,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the
General Assembly of the International Association of Educating Cities, which will take place from 19 to 21 March 2025, in Brussels.

Since the 19th century, education and lifelong learning have been at the heart of our capital’s concerns, because Brussels considers education a major issue and a lever for development and emancipation by excellence. This is why the City Council has always worked to develop its own municipal education network to which we devote the largest part of our budget.

Today, with our 120 schools and libraries, we reach all of our fellow citizens, from nursery school to higher education, including adult education, lifelong learning and continuing education. Brussels has also developed important social, sports and cultural policies, particularly in favour of young people, which are inclusive and participatory.

During these days in Brussels, we will have the opportunity to introduce you to many educational initiatives, including study visits and meetings with professionals. These days promise to stimulate reflection and debate.

Moreover, being Brussels a thousand-year-old city, rich in an immense cultural, artistic and architectural heritage, that dates from the Middle Ages to the present day, from neo-classicism to art nouveau and art déco, we are putting together a program rich in discoveries for you. Finally, our city has more than 180 different nationalities.

Social cohesion, solidarity and respect are therefore also at the heart of our projects in order to remain a city where life is good, a city that we build together and where we practice the art of living where kindness, humour and a touch of surrealism coexist. You will also have the opportunity to experience this. In this website, you will find the full programme of these days we look forward to share our reciprocal educational experiences in order to learn from each other, in the interest of our inhabitants.

Looking forward to meeting you in March 2025!

Kind regards,

Faouzia Hariche, City Councillor for Public Education, Youth, Human Resources, and
Early Childhood

Anaïs Maes, City Concillor for Urban Planning and Public Space, Roadworks, Mobility, and Dutch-speaking Education

Émilie Dupont, Director General of Public Education

Philippe Close, Mayor of the City of Brussels